Who doesn’t love to be recognized and praised for their accomplishments?
Genuine compliments and positive recognition improve our moods, inspire cooperation and hard work, and increase motivation. Why is this so?
Scientific Studies on Praise and Positive Reinforcement
Scientific studies show that praise triggers the brain’s release of dopamine: a “feel good” neurotransmitter that is strongly associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. Dopamine affects the entire body, from blood flow and digestion to memory and sleep. It also raises alertness and focus.
Here is an interesting fact: Even the anticipation of a reward raises dopamine levels. In other words, just the expectation of the feeling creates the same effect as experiencing it. Because praise feels good, people will repeat whatever action invited it. The desire for another dopamine release leads them to continue the behavior and habits that initially earned them the compliment. Thus, praise is an example of positive reinforcement – a technique for getting more of a desired behavior.
Here is another interesting fact: it’s not only those who receive praise that feel better. People who give praise also experience the feel-good effects! Sincere statements of admiration and approval benefit both the giver and receiver, making it an invaluable way to improve relationships and stimulate positive and friendly attitudes.
What we focus on, we often get more of. Praise is contagious, builds confidence, and can inspire great things. By pointing out the desired traits and the actions of others, you are guaranteed to get more of them! And along the way, you too, will feel it’s power!
When Giving Praise, Keep in Mind These 6 Tips:
- Be sincere.
- Be specific.
- Be immediate.
- Praise often.
- Praise persistence, effort, originality, and creativity.
- Praise to inspire.
Try these out, and as always, have fun! If you want to discuss the power of praise and positive reinforcement further, contact us at (970)628-5589.
Dr. Katen