When I was a kid, I thought the word “grateful” was spelled “greatful.”
This made perfect sense to me. Whenever I listed everything in my life for which I was grateful, my mind filled with images of the “Great” and awesome things that I loved so much: my great family, my great friends, my great fat black cat, my great Barbie collection, the awesome sledding hill in our backyard, school off on Mondays to go skiing, my awesome teacher, my grandmother’s awesome homemade fudge…all these things were great! Which is why I felt so Greatful to have them, to be them, and to share them with others!“
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh
You can imagine my confusion and surprise when I learned the correct spelling. Of course, once I realized that “grateful” is related to “gratitude” (and not “Great-attitude”), it all made sense!

This holiday season, I invite you to channel your youthful spirit, your awe, and your Greatful Attitude! With friends and family, tell them all the things that you think are great about them, about life, about love! Awaken your mind, body, and spirit with all things great!
I wish you and your family a great holiday season and new 2024!
– Dr. Katen
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